Opinion: Reparations- Compensate The Descendants of Slaves

Based on the meeting notes provided, the opinion piece discusses the movement advocating for reparations or compensation for the descendants of slaves. The piece highlights recent acknowledgments and apologies by leaders from different countries for atrocities committed during colonization. The Caribbean nations, led by Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley, are at the forefront of this fight and have developed a 10-point plan for reparations, including formal apologies and financial support for healthcare, education, and technology access. The estimated consequences of slavery are significant, with an American expert panel estimating it to be at least 130 trillion dollars. European countries have mostly responded with silence, although some have issued apologies. The French Court of Cassation, despite recognizing slavery as a crime against humanity, has rejected claims for damages by Martinican descendants of slaves. The article also suggests that the private sector could contribute to compensations, citing the example of British families linked to slavery who have taken initiatives to address the issue. The debate on reparations and compensation continues, and the article emphasizes the importance of making it a priority on diplomatic agendas.

Please note that this summary is based on the information provided and may not include all details from the original article.

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